Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Blah day...

Well I have never really posted about these days, but someone was telling me the other day that they think I never have them. I just lol when they said that. So here you go.. the Blah day

Today has been one of the hardest since the loss of our son. I got to thinking about the date and realizing that I would be 19 days away from having him. (you know if everything had gone per my plan) I know that he is in such a better place, but the grief is still there.

I am planning to go to his grave on the due date. I havent been there since they day we buried him. I just keep trying to push it down, but I know that this is something that I really want , and need to do.

On this note... ironicly just yesterday I really felt like I should start a Study-support group for those of us who are "Grieving the child we never knew" Amanda from hoyt family and I are really excited about this. If you want more details please email me... not really feeling up to explaining it tonight. But would love to email you more info!

Hope this blog finds you well!


Amanda Hoyt said...

Hi Michelle,
I know how hard today has been for you. Just know that I've been praying for you. I hope you get some rest tonight. I looked at our Support Group blog tonight and am very excited about it. Talk to you soon.
Hugs and prayers,

AmyT said...

(((HUGS))) I hope you are feeling better. You and your family will be in my prayers.